October 2014 - page 6

Florida Pool Pro
• October 2014
Wendy Parker Barsell
FSPA Executive Director
Memories can’t be bought on eBay
It is quite amazing what you can find on eBay.
There is pretty much one of everything ever made
and someone has determined they can make some
money selling it. Recently, my husband started
collecting matchbox cars and trucks from the sixties
and seventies to replace those he had as a child.
His original set most likely saw the fate of a garage
sale when his parents sold their house to move to
Florida. It is fun for our entire family check out the
newest car when it arrives. The kids are having a
blast since these old ones actually have many moving parts.
As he’s been doing this we’ve talked about all the cool toys that were
around back then. With four girls, our house had more than the average
share of Barbie dolls and cabbage patch kids. I don’t recall many trucks or GI
Joes around. But, it also reminds me of how much time we spent outdoors,
primarily swimming.
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