October 2014 - page 5

Florida Pool Pro
• October 2014
We have many tested and proven years of experience in Florida.
When other trades set out to invade our scope of work, it is our job to alert
all licensed pool contractors in Florida that we need their help. Don’t give your
industry away. JOIN US – there is strength in numbers.
First and foremost, if you are a current member, contact your local Chapter
to see how you can help legislatively. The state office has put together a list
of all members in the House and Senate outlining who has received funding
from FSPA, how the person voted, if they are up for re-election, etc. Ask for
the list – there may be people on there you know. Most of us have more time
than money and we can use that time to support the legislators who support us
by waving signs, making phone calls, or in other ways to be involved. Join us
in Tallahassee in March during Legislative Days; get to know your politicians.
I would also ask that everyone explore any and all vocational opportunities in
your area that may be able to guide and train young people in the area of pool
construction and service and repair. We have a huge need for young people
to enter our industry with qualifications that we can draw from. Currently, the
state membership shows the demographics of our members with 54 percent
over 41 years old. We need some younger blood!
It seems as we turn the corner to enter another fall season that it doesn’t
come without some negative publicity. It has become all too common to watch
the news and read the papers about water-related tragedies or to hear of a
pool builder who has closed his doors and left consumers with unfinished pools
and liens on their property. As the old saying goes, a bad reputation will beat
you everywhere you go but a good reputation is hard to hold onto. We need
to maintain our good reputation.
At last month’s state Board meeting, it was voted to form a philanthropic task
force for the purpose of finding a way to have a major impact in a humanitarian
way that is in conjunction with our mission statement. This is an exciting time
for your organization; get involved!
I am also honored to have been asked, and I have accepted, to serve a
second term as your state president. Your Executive Committee at the state
level will remain the same in 2015.
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